Police Use of Force

Many police interactions including arrests, stop and searches, and the sectioning of vulnerable people involve the use of force. Police officers in Britain are permitted to use handcuffs, batons, CS gas and tasers when carrying out their duties.

The disproportionate use of force against Black communities by police is well documented in Britain. Data from The Home Office shows that police in England used force on Black people at a rate 3x times higher than on white people.

Although only accounting for 3% of the population, Black people account for 8% of deaths in custody. The police have a duty of care; they are failing Black people by not recognising the vulnerability and distress of individuals.

At UNJUST, we believe that de-escalation techniques need to be better used, along with, safer alternatives that can reduce police use of force.

Keen to input on national discussions on police use of force, specifically taser, we are a member of the National Taser Stakeholder Advisory Group. This is an independent group of experts and stakeholders shining a light on the Police Use of Force, especially in relation to the issue of, training, guidance, deployment and scrutiny of Taser.

Working Group

National Taser Stakeholder Advisory Group